Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sorry I'm BACK!

Sorry I've been gone for SOOO long. With school, work and everything else, it's been BUSY!

So here's what's been up.

-School. It is almost over for the semester, thank you LORD! I've already taken 2 finals and have 2 to go (both of which are on Tuesday...awesome....) It's been such a long semester.

-My dad had been in and out of the hospital, which had been stressful to say the least. He's been out for awhile, but still recovering. *sigh*

-Ran my first marathon. it's official, I'm addicted! it was easily the best thing I've did the month of April. It was so awesome, I really can't even describe it! My time was 2:20, which some people tell me is a good time. I'm just happy I finished! I can't wait til me next one!

- I'm still struggling with my weight and body image stuff. My weight has not gone down ANY since I started running/training. It's so FRUSTRATING! ga. I'm thinking I'm going to wait to change stuff til after finals are over. Then take inventory and see what I need to do/change.

I hope you all are doing well! I've been reading, and it seems like you have been! Happy May!