Sunday, October 25, 2009

Milk is Magical

Do anyone else sometimes feel more inclined to eat when they are sick? Just the fact that I know my body is trying to fight off some invading organism makes me want to eat enough to that I'll have the strength to do just that..yes I am random. I know this

Also I have come to a discovery. Actually a re-discovery... I love milk. and milk products in general...I love milk on my cereal, which I can just not seem to get enough of these love love cereal. and now i remember that i love milk. It's so silly, in the days when i was trying to cut calories out, I saw milk as a beverage with calories. I totally forgot how delicious ( and really very nutritious) it is! mmm so good.. You should go have a nice ice cold glass of it..unless you're lactose intolerant. then you should take some lactaid before you drink it :)

Well I think I'm going to hit the hay. I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend ( and were not sick for the majority of it, like I)
Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have discoverd blogging...

So this weekend, I was sick. Gross stomach thing. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach for 9 hours....but I'll move on.

This allowed me to sit in bed for all of last night and alot of today. Except when I got up and cleaned my room for 2 hours and did laundry. In doing this, I discovered alot of blogs that I liked reading. Some were about running. Some were about eating. Alot were about both. I found blogs written by lovely ladies that seems to deal with the same things I do. They were refreshing to read.

So thank you ladies, for sharing. I'll keep reading. I hope you read mine :) I promise to be more consistent.

So since I was out of commission, I didn't go work out today. Yesterday, however before this bug hit me, I ran over 6 miles. So yesterday wasn't a total bust.

Since my stomach has been acting funny, I've just had a little bit of cereal, some special k crackers ( i love these things!) and a string cheese stick. Not very good or nutritious. Probably not enough calories. But I don't want to upset my stomach :(
A couple of things I learned in the bloggin world...
-there are A LOT of people that have a weird or strained relationships with food. It is good to know I'm not the only one.
-There are lots of people who can't seem to maintain. hey I'm right there with ya.
-There are lots of people that have the same thoughts that I do. So I don't have to feel like I'm in it all alone.
-We are usually our worst critics.

I have a challenge. For myself, for anyone who's reading this ( I'm not so sure they exist yet)
1.Love my body. It's strong and it gets me through life. I need to embrace it
2.Just because I'm not perfect, does not mean I'm not worth something. I'm priceless. I just need to believe that.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why yes I AM feeling fat today, thanks for asking..

So I'm in pharmacy school. I pay them enough money. Then i have to do all these little things ( CPR certification, Blood pressure certification, drug test, background check, etc) Which wouldn't be a huge deal, but each one costs, oh about $50. I'm a college student. I don't just HAVE $50 hanging around.Come on college of pharmacy, use your brain!

and the CPR class was on a Friday night...and was scheduled to last FOUR hours...that's not ok.

(I guess that wasn't a question, so much as a rant)

Anyways, so do you ever just feel fat? I was reading on this blog of another girl that I know. She's trying to lose weight (and doing a good job, if I do say so) but she was commenting on how today she just feels fat. I went to discuss this with another friend, and I came to the conclusion as women, we just DO sometimes. I don't know if guys do to, or if this feeling just helps contribute to them feeling like big manly men.

But with us women, it can REALLY affect our day. Think about it. I get up to go to my 8 oclock class. I'm already tired, and then I go to put my pants on and they feel a little tighter. I think "great" NOT. Then while in class, they seem to really bite into me when I sit. Not fun. Then this influences how I think about and percieve myself all day. Gosh I hate hate HATE fat days. I wish i could just blow them up! Goodness...

Ok my boyfriend is taking me out for our first date in... well in awhile..our first real date anyways :) So I'm gonna go get pretty....

I kinda hope someone is reading this.... ha