Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When is your best time to workout?

So when I initially lost a lot of my weight (my senior year in high school- I lost between 60-80 lbs) I got up every morning and went to the gym for at least 30 mins before school started. And then I usually went back to do some more in the afternoons. These two a days were great cause I could push myself for a short period of time and then do it again later. And as much as I complained about being tired, I loved getting up and working out in the mornings.

When I got to college, it became and OBSESSIVE thing. Even when I had 8'oclock classes and hadn't gotten to bed before one, I would MAKE myself go workout at 6 AM. Even though my body obviously did not want to. In those days, I was not very nice to my body (sorry body... I'm working on it!)

But now a days I've gotten "lazy" in my book. But Monday and Today, I've gotten up and done some cardio before class. And I really love it. I love starting my day with energy! And then I go back and finish up later in the afternoon. I'm so glad we have a great wellness center like 5 minutes from me on campus!

But some days I don't have time to do it in the mornings.. like tonight I have to work as an RA at the front desk from 12AM-2AM. And then have class at 9AM. getting up at 6:30  to workout for an hour is probably noottt going to happen.. But I have time to do in the evening. So I'll still get it done, but I won't get to do it real early. So I must pose the question...

When do you work out? Why do you workout then? How do you work your schedule around it?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let's Start at the Very Beginning...

Ok, so.... I have been absent from here for quite sometime.
I'm not even sure anyone still read this.
That's ok with me, cause I'm not doing it for others, I'm doing it for me.
But I do still hope you're reading!

So, when I first started to write here, it was mainly focused on my eating and exercising (which I still do. usually) If you're just joining me, I had an eating disorder my freshman year of college. To keep a SUPER long story short(ish) I was bulimic my first semester which turned into anorexia and extreme amount of time in the gym my 2nd semester. I've looked at pictures from then and I really did look sick. I'm sorry, but bones sticking out of my elbows...it's just NOT attractive. I'm sad to think that it once was. The mind of that girl was very lost indeed.

Thankfully, I have a lot of people who love me, mainly my parents and an RA, that helped to me get counseling and get things back together. I made a deal with my mom to gain weight before I went back to school. Unfortunately, I didn't really ever STOP gaining weight :( So now I'm trying to get that under control and get back to a size that I feel healthy at. Not skinny. Healthy.

That was where I started at. But now I have decided to share more of my life on this blog as well. I've been through some life changing things in the past year, and I have a lot of idea/thought/emotions streaming through my head. And I'd love to share them with you all if you'd like to listen!

I know that blogs can really turn into a community of support and ya'll are great listeners, so I hope I can come into the community as I muddle through this life I'm living...

All the while, I'm trying to learn how to be happy in my own beautiful skin :)

ps- there's an AWESOME giveaway at http://www.goalsfortheweek.com. Check her out!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So my college's first football game is TONIGHT! let's hear it for school spirit! I go to a small school ( like 5000 students on campus) so it won't be super crazy, but I think it will be fun! I'm excited!

So there is a lot that has happened in my life since I wrote like MONTHS ago... I got a job as an RA at school and I absolutely love it! I love being able to focus on other people and other's problems. It's not that I don't deal with mine, I just don't like to dwell on my problems! And this is a great outlet because I can't this way! I have too much going on with everyone else! I really feel like it's helping me to better channel my body image issues, because I just don't focus on it. I focus my energy on building others up. And surprisingly, I'm much happier. And still the same (maybe even a little bigger..gasp!) weight. Funny how that works..happiness is NOT actually the number on my scale but dependent on others. Great lesson I've learned!

OK off work and off to the game! Go Dawgs!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Do you ever wonder why we do what we do? I mean really, I have two choices right now. I can get up outta my chair and go for a nice run, or i can stay right here an curl up and not do A THING. and you know what? the latter sounds really nice right now. I think it's just that I WISH I could be one of those people that could look good without having to workout all the time... although let's face it, I do work out all the time and I STILL DON'T LOOK LIKE THEM.  Life is unfair. But that's another post.....

Ok fine, I'm going to go do something healthy for my body and go for a run. Hopefully I'll run this negative attitude right off, and I'll be productive when I get back... but don't hold you're breath or anything...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hey there anyone and everyone who is still reading! I'm so so sorry that I have a been super sporadic with my posting. A lot of things (positive and negative) have been going on in my life lately! I will be letting you know about them is the near future, so I hope that you will tune back in!

to start off- Positive- I got a wonderful job being an RA in my hall, which I'm SUPER WAY excited about.

Negative- We have a meeting right now for the girls, so I have to get off here and go do that!

More soon!
