Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st 5K!

Sorry it's been so long folks! It's been a busy busy week!

Talked to my ex last week. He wants to get back together. Do NOT know what to do. I love him, but I know that it's not what God wants right now. I Will continue to pray about it.

Also, I ran my first 5K this Saturday. I ran it in 28:41! wahoo! I was 6th in my age division! I was pumped. I think I'm hooked on running!

Also, I'm thinking about applying for the RA job in my dorm. I'm just not sure if I can next semester. With pharmacy school, I'm just not sure if I could do it all. Please be praying about this too!

I'm off to go to bed. Early, FULL day tomorrow. I'll be better about posting soon! Promise!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Morning!

Good morning my blog readers (if you're still there!!)  Sorry I"ve been MIA. I was on Spring Break last week. This consisted of work, seeing old friends, work, being with my family, work, and shopping. It was quite lovely to not have to study AT ALL. My brain needed that rest!

Also, funny story, on the last day of Spring Break and the first day of spring (Saturday, the 21st) it SNOWED like 6 inches. It was ridiculous. It didn't stick cause it's been so warm. It did however, get me out of work on Saturday, so I got to spend it with my mom and sister, catching up on stuff and watching movies. It was quite lovely. I like to think it was a little present/reminder from God that I need to relax sometimes!

After I got back from Spring Break, on Sunday night, the ex wanted to talk. We're still friendly, so I said sure, of course we can. We ended up talking for like almost 3 hours. The talk mainly consisted of him telling me he realized alot of the stuff that ended our relationship was his fault. (fairly true. and I'm not just saying that). He also said that even if he got to live in a big city or something like that (I don't want to. I like smaller cities. And want to be close to my family.)  it wouldn't be worth it if I wasn't with him. He said he's learning and growing. And that things wouldn't be the same. Now  I know this all SOUNDS oh so cliche, but I truly do believe him. He's not a guy who plays with people feelings. Bless his heart, I don't think he could be a player if HE WANTED TO.
So if you could just keep me and him/ our relationship in your prayers, that would be great. And if you have any advice, that would be lovely as well!

Well I'm off to class. Hope you all have a lovely, beautiful, sunny Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Wedesday!

Hey lovely people! I hope that you are having a wonderful day! I'm happy. Had a good devo this morning, and the sun in shining brightly. And I don't have to go to work today. And I get to go shopping today. mmm so good.

Also thanks for the comment! I think you guys are both right, I know I need to eat more. As silly as it sounds, this is hard for me. See the way I lost all my weight in the first place (my highest weight was 276 in high school) was half by working out and eating better. But then I plateaued and family life was really hard, so I became bulimic. And then anorexic. and both. Although I went to counseling and got better about 2 years ago, it's still something the surfaces sometimes.

I mean right now, I don't NEED to lose weight. I run 3 days a week, I do weights and the elliptical the other two. I don't remember the last time I ate a cheeseburger or fries or regular ice cream (which btw, is way hard to do in college) I know that the weight that I've gained is muscle. Running so much, it's pretty much impossible for it to be anything else. and my body has changed. like I finally have a butt. Which I'm not so sure i like as it makes my pants tighter. but it's not flabby or anything. So that's nice...

Anyway, I'm going to try very hard to eat more. I just have to remind myself to eat more whole, healthy foods, not crappy ones. Just because I run 6 miles, I don't get to eat lots of chocolate!

Hope you all have a lovely lovely Wednesday!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break!

Yay! It's spring break! FINALLY! I totally need it! Unfortunately I'll be working 5 of those days. :(
But hey we have to have make money right? Sadly school, gas and things must be paid for. Said, but true

Also, I'm sick of my heart and my head. I'm still so broken up about the break up. Not like every day depressed, just sad occasionally. I miss having him here. I miss him. The things he used to say to me. The things that made me feel better. The support. The kinds words. It's just hard. I guess that's just life. Ga, growing up is difficult. 

my head tells me it was right. my heart thinks it was right, but is taking some more convincing. Gosh. 

But God is good. He is faithful, and He has a great plan for me. He has the perfect man for me. He knows who it is. in  HIS time, we will find each other. I just have to remember it's not my plan that's perfect. It's HIS.
So currently, I'm resting on that truth. God is good, and He has the perfect plan for me. Everything is for a reason, whether or not I can see it right at this moment or not. 

On a bit different note, eating has been on the low side. I'm taking I've been burning at LEAST 800 calories a day and only eating ~1200. Yes, I know this is not enough, but it's so frustrating. I keep eating not a lot of calories, work out like a fool, and NOTHING is helping me to lose weight. eff. eff. eff.

Oh and I ran my 10 miles Friday. It was a decent run. Hopefully, I'll be ready for the half marathon...I can't believe it's only like a month away! AH!!!!!

Well, I hope that you all have had a wonderful weekend! My consisted of chilling with friends, work and work. How about you?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Could it be....SPRING?!

Hello fellow bloggers! Hope you are having a grand Tuesday!

So I woke up this morning and.....IT WAS SUNNY!
Please oh please stay spring. Don't tease me this time!

It's the week before spring break, but I swear my brain is pretty much there already. Oh well...Just have to make it through my test Thursday! Then Friday, after my long run (10 miles this week!) I'm going over to my friend Sarah's house. She's making margaritas. I'm pretty much a lightweight, so I'll have to be careful about my intake.Not to mention, alcohol tends to be bad for weight loss. Well in large quantities.

Things are pretty much the same here. School. Work. Friends. I'm still working through a lot pain over the now ex boyfriend. It's just so hard because I really did think he was the man I was probably going to marry. So it's hard having all those dreams come crashing in around me. No home together. No kids together. No going through life together. Ok I have to stop now, because the water works are coming, and I really don't want to deal with them right now. Maybe later tonight when I have time.

Well lovelies, I hope you have a splendid Tuesday! Leave me some love!

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm back!

Hey lovelies!!

Sorry I've been away. Been dealing with the break-up. It sucks. A LOT. So here's what's been going down

Friday- My boyfriend and I  have a big talk. We both have been feeling something has just been "off" we love each other so much, but something's just off. For me he's almost everything on my "list" But it's just not quite all there. Do you know what I'm talking about? I would say it's like 80-90% there (depending on the day) but that's not fair for either of us. Neither of us should settle. There were some things that just weren't going to change, and we realized that it wouldn't work in the long run (probably).blah it hurts. and sucks. and really hurts.
went to bed crying...

Saturday- Woke up crying. Was going to finish up my workout from the day before by running a mile...which turned into 4. Went home...I needed my mommy. Talked to my mommy. Had some best friend time. Cried a little more

Sunday- Went to church. Talked some more to my mommy. She's an amazing woman. She made me feel better about the decision. She's good at that. Talked to the ex (wow that's weird to  say) He wanted to talk but I wasn't ready so I put it off til Tuesday. Then he put it off til Sunday. But the I ran into him on Wednesday, so we talked a little but we're going to talk some more on Sunday.

Monday-Friday...Basic School week. Two tests. Blah. I got A's on both of them
It was hard. There hasn't been a day I haven't cried yet. The worst part is just all the plans for the future that I have to give up. Like I miss him, but we're still friends. We're still in each others lives ( or will be. it's kinda hard RIGHT NOW) but we made plans and I have to give those up. The house and life together. The kids we had names for. Things we said we'd do when we got old. Just all the things we planned to do together. And I know I can still do them. But part of it was doing them together. And now, that won't happen.

Home for the weekend. I have to work tomorrow.... Suck...oh well, gotta make that money..

Hope everyones week was less..well painful than mine.

Are you friends with any ex-boyfriends? What's the best way to "get over" them?