Friday, February 26, 2010

Today :(

Today my boyfriend and I broke up. We were together for a year and 4 months. I love him so much.

It was a mutual thing, but that doesn't make it not hurt

my heart feels like it's been stomped on.

I can't stop crying.

Did I mention he was my first boyfriend? Ever?

So sad. No more words.

Prayers are appreciated

Last Weekend...

I know I promised more pics from last weekend. Here they be
yummy stir fry.There's always good food at home!

Don't judge, I went out looking like this.....I was relaxed. and I had to go get this....

So I could make these!-


mmm finished product... I love me some chocolate chip cookies!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do not enter this giveaway :)

HUGETASTIC giveaway from priorfatgirl & exercisetv. 4 different prizes! But don't go check out here because I'd really like to win..

and I promise that I'll tell you all about my weekend later. I'm really tired and don't have the energy to blog a good blog right now. as you can probably tell from my blabber..

OK happy Tuesday night!

So long Monday

Yesterday was the longest day. I got up at 8, studied and went to class, and lab and then had a test til 8. And then I finally got to the gym. ran 6 miles and had dinner (of cereal and popcorn, yes dinner of champs!) at 10:30. Ah! Well at least that was my hard day for the week. I only have regular classes and a test on Friday. and a meeting today. and Thursday. Dang it. ha...

Well I'm going to get ready for class. I have some pictures from this weekend that I'll put up later! Look forward to them!

Also Tricia over at is having a a giveaway.But you don't have to click the link. Because I want it! ha

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weekend..I live for the Weekend...

Thank the lord for weekend. I love it.

I came home for the weekend. I have to work later today. 4-12. boo. Oh well, hopefully it won't be too bad.

I came home to a lovely surprise last night. My parents had my Valentine's present waiting for me! Yay for surprises!
it looked like this...

Oh yay! I couldn't wait to open it! inside was this gorgeous thing...
oh it's so lovely :)

Now for the morning I'm going to enjoy this

mmmm....i love coffee
and then some of this...
Go to fullsize image and this...Go to fullsize image
my parents DVR some of the shows that I like and I get to catch up on them on the weekend I come home. I take a nice lazy Saturday morning, and watch some good tv, because I'm usually  studying or busy during the week, so now is the only time I can do it. I love my parents. My sister has a winter guard competition this morning/afternoon, so I have the house all to myself's lovely.

I ran 8 miles yesterday, so I'm taking today off.  I ran 6.65 Monday, ellipticalled for 1.5 hours Tuesday, Ran/walked  5.5 Miles Wednesday, ellipticalled 1.5 hours Thursday and then 8 miles yesterday. I think I can take the say off ;) Oh plus weights Tues/Thurs.
Plus I have an 8 hour shift where I'll be on my feet all day, so it's not like I'll be inactive all day. 

So here' is my bright shining face this morning...happy for presents, coffee and tv, and a lazy Saturday morning.. well almost afternoon now ;)

I don't have any makeup on and I don't care! However if those scared you sorry :)

Hope you have a lovely weekend! What are you doing today?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well....At least that's over!

Just took my second test for the week. Prescription Products. Yes again. I have a test over 50+ drugs every other week in that class. I have ever mentioned that I absolutely, positively LOATH it?!

Cause I do.

And since I was studying so much Tuesday, Wednesday, and this morning, (and perhaps because occasionally ;) , I tend to procrastinate studying for prescription products. It is not my fault I find more enjoyable things to do. Like watch tv. or read blogs. or poke myself in the eye. yes it is that bad) my body is running on caffeine today. 3 cups of coffee, and one diet mountain dew.
that's (108 mg x 3 cups) + 92mg =415 mg of caffeine today my friends. I'm fairly sure the palpitations will commence shortly.

In other news, my birthday is in less than 2 weeks. People I love (ie parents, boyfriend, friends) have been asking me what I want. The truth is, I always feel so selfish when they ask! I mean yes there are things I WANT ( a new car, a million dollars, my own apt, a trip to Europe,other spectacular, WAAAAYYY to expensive things) but I don't NEED anything. So I always feel real selfish. Do any of you feel this way?

Also, I decided one good present might be a heart rate monitor. Anybody have any suggestions for good ones? I'm looking for one that's less than $60, and count's calories. I'm thinking a basic one might be good because I have a tendency to want really cool things, but then get bored with them/forget to use them/don't put the time into LEARNING how to use them, so I don't want anyone to blow a lot of money on it until I KNOW I'll use it. Any suggestions would be welcome :)

On another positive note, I've been much better and relaxed around food. In the past, I've had trouble eating. I can't really describe my mindset, but it was as if I felt "guilty" if I ate before I worked out for the day, or things like that. I've been alot better this week about eating because I know I need to fuel my body. Still trying to get healthier foods (which granted, can be slightly more challenging in a dorm room, with no access to a stove etc) because I KNOW I'll feel better with them fueling me! Anyone else have this problem with eating?I know it still gets me sometimes!

Ok, well I'm off to clean my room before I head to bible study tonight and home tomorrow! Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! May God Bless you and keep you! He will. He's good at that :)

UPDATE: Made an 88 on the test. Gosh I loath falling JUST BELOW that "A" line. Literally, that was ONE question....grrrrr

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Monday

Happy day after Valentines day. Hope it was good for you whether you have a significant other or not. I hope you go to spend it with people you love!

Boyfriend got me these

:) they made me smile. Then he took me to see Valentine's Day. And I ate some movie theater popcorn. I know that stuff is not good for you, BUT IT IS SOOOO good. I only ate a little tho yay for me :)

Then we drove back to school and he went to work and I did my homework. I know we are SO romantic ;)

Today consisted of enrolling in school next semester. 19 hours. WAHOO. It should be "fun" lol
But I've done well on all my tests thus far. All A's. Thanks for the encouragement :)

I had the stomach flu last week. It was SUPER not fun. But I'm finally better, so I think I'm gonna go run 4 or five miles in a bit. Tonight I will be studying for my test on Thursday. Oh the life of a pharmacy school student. And maybe watching The Buried Life and My Life as Liz. Usually I don't like MTV shows, but these entertain me! Plus I mean I have to break up the studying SOMEHOW!

I hope that you all have a good Monday. Just a reminder-God loves you! He loves you extravagantly

ps- There's a popchip giveaways at But don't go enter. Cause I want them ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


do not go here and register to win those mittens because I want them!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sorry about being MIA

Sorry I've been MIA for awhile... School has been crazy busy. I had two tests this week, plus there was a huge snow storm last weekend (Thurs-Monday) that kept me inside and stir crazy! and of course instead of being productive, I decided to give myself a break and relax... which actually just ended up being harder for me. I don't know how to relax. I usually keep going until I can't go anymore. I'm trying to learn to NOT do this anymore. But it's hard for "perfectionist me"

Anyway, moving onward....I exercised good this week! It goes as follows
Monday- 6 miles- ran 4-5 walked the other
Tuesday- Elliptical for 1:15, did weights
Wednesday- walked uphill for 5 miles. While studying my prescription cards. ga I hate those
Thursday-Elliptical for 1:15, more weights
Friday- ran 8.5 miles, also I was RAVENOUS yesterday. seriously, I had to try to not eat everything in sight!

So today, I'm giving myself the day off. Even though I weighed myself and I'm at 161. That's ok. I've been healthy. I've been eating well. I've been exercising lots. I'm fairly sure it's muscle weight in my legs. That tends to happen when it's 20+ miles in a week.

Also , I know that when I get stressed, my body produces more cortisol. Which makes me retain weight. And let me tell you, i have been stressed lately.

So here's my desicion for today. I'm a strong healthy girl. I'm not defined by the number on the scale. Gaining a pound or two does not make me less of a person. I will love me :)

well I'm off to get ready for work. I'm working 4-12 today. I loath that shift. oh well, gotta make the money!

Hope you all have a fab weekend!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today and tomorrow are filled with studying. I will do a "good" post after my test Thursday :(

on another note, pray for my friend carrie. She has been an agnostic, and tonight, she's thinking about accepting Christ!!!!!!!!!!! please just pray that she's receptive to the spirit!

Love you all for reading this! I'm sorry it's such a horrid post! I promise I'll do better in the future!