Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And So It Begins...

So I have noticed that lately, lots of people have been blogging.

I have decided to follow the trend. However, not just because it's a trend. But because I think it could be good for me to express myself in words. And hey I'm an open person, why not let everyone see them?

So it begins, the blog.

Random streaming of my thoughts.

Focus right now goes to being healthy. I want to be healthy. I work out like an hour and a half a day and lets face it, I usually only eat like about 1,000 calories in a day.I should be stick thin right? but this is not so. I actually gained weight last week because I indulged a little. It's so frustrating. I mean I eat less than the recommended amount and work out more, so this should point towards the goal that I want: a smaller figure. But alas, I have not found the right combination for that figure yet.

Here's the bigger issue. We (as women in general) focus so much on the outer appearance. I am healthy. I'm within the normal range. I work out. eat right mostly. But I'm not happy with my self because of unrealistic constraints that I put on myself ( I think society might help with this)

How do we focus on being healthy and happy instead of equating healthy with slender and happy with the ability to fit into a size 6? ( or 4 or whatever it may be for you)

I'm so mad that I let my other accomplishments go by the wayside because I become fixated on being that size or getting to that "goal" weight which may or may not be actually good for me.

Not anymore. Starting TODAY I'm going to be healthy (realistically) and not be so fixated on the world's definition of "healthy" and be more concerned with how my words and interactions affect other people for the better.

Ok I have to go.. leave any thoughts or comments you may have...gracias

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