Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have discoverd blogging...

So this weekend, I was sick. Gross stomach thing. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach for 9 hours....but I'll move on.

This allowed me to sit in bed for all of last night and alot of today. Except when I got up and cleaned my room for 2 hours and did laundry. In doing this, I discovered alot of blogs that I liked reading. Some were about running. Some were about eating. Alot were about both. I found blogs written by lovely ladies that seems to deal with the same things I do. They were refreshing to read.

So thank you ladies, for sharing. I'll keep reading. I hope you read mine :) I promise to be more consistent.

So since I was out of commission, I didn't go work out today. Yesterday, however before this bug hit me, I ran over 6 miles. So yesterday wasn't a total bust.

Since my stomach has been acting funny, I've just had a little bit of cereal, some special k crackers ( i love these things!) and a string cheese stick. Not very good or nutritious. Probably not enough calories. But I don't want to upset my stomach :(
A couple of things I learned in the bloggin world...
-there are A LOT of people that have a weird or strained relationships with food. It is good to know I'm not the only one.
-There are lots of people who can't seem to maintain. hey I'm right there with ya.
-There are lots of people that have the same thoughts that I do. So I don't have to feel like I'm in it all alone.
-We are usually our worst critics.

I have a challenge. For myself, for anyone who's reading this ( I'm not so sure they exist yet)
1.Love my body. It's strong and it gets me through life. I need to embrace it
2.Just because I'm not perfect, does not mean I'm not worth something. I'm priceless. I just need to believe that.

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