Friday, October 9, 2009

Why yes I AM feeling fat today, thanks for asking..

So I'm in pharmacy school. I pay them enough money. Then i have to do all these little things ( CPR certification, Blood pressure certification, drug test, background check, etc) Which wouldn't be a huge deal, but each one costs, oh about $50. I'm a college student. I don't just HAVE $50 hanging around.Come on college of pharmacy, use your brain!

and the CPR class was on a Friday night...and was scheduled to last FOUR hours...that's not ok.

(I guess that wasn't a question, so much as a rant)

Anyways, so do you ever just feel fat? I was reading on this blog of another girl that I know. She's trying to lose weight (and doing a good job, if I do say so) but she was commenting on how today she just feels fat. I went to discuss this with another friend, and I came to the conclusion as women, we just DO sometimes. I don't know if guys do to, or if this feeling just helps contribute to them feeling like big manly men.

But with us women, it can REALLY affect our day. Think about it. I get up to go to my 8 oclock class. I'm already tired, and then I go to put my pants on and they feel a little tighter. I think "great" NOT. Then while in class, they seem to really bite into me when I sit. Not fun. Then this influences how I think about and percieve myself all day. Gosh I hate hate HATE fat days. I wish i could just blow them up! Goodness...

Ok my boyfriend is taking me out for our first date in... well in awhile..our first real date anyways :) So I'm gonna go get pretty....

I kinda hope someone is reading this.... ha

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