Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Give blood!

Hello all you lovely people. I hope you are having a great great day!

Did you know that each time you give blood you can save 4 lives? I saved four lives today. That's exciting! Also the country is in a blood "recession" if you will. Blood banks are at an all time low. So if you can, go to your nearest blood bank and give! it doesn't take but a half an hour or less!

Last week was, well it was rough. I knew it was going to be from the start, but that didn't make it any easier. I had 3 difficult test throughout the week, which mean little sleep( no bed before 1 any night last week) which makes for a cranky me!

On top of three tests, ( along with meetings, class, etc) I was really dealing with my break up a lot last week. It's been a little over a month now. It still is really painful. especially when I think about my future. We had a plan together. We were going to grow up and have kids together. Live in cool house. have a cereal cabinet( cause we both LOVE it). We had names for our kids. Just letting go of all that stuff is really hard. Realizing I don't get to do that with him is hard. and painful at times.
And he talked to me three weeks ago about getting back together. But honestly, I haven't had enough time to heal. and things he said to me three weeks ago made me feel really unvalued at the end of the relationship. And I don't deserve that. I'm enough. I'm good enough. I'm flippin awesome. and if he didn't realize that for the last 1/3 of our relationship, why would that change now? And why would I WANT to get back into that relationship.
Honestly, I feel like God led us together at the beginning. I know He did. And I felt like He told us that it was time to break up when we did. But I'm not getting the feeling that we are supposed to get back together. At least not right now. We both need to heal and grow on our own.

I still worked out last week. 6 days, yay me. I'm still having trouble losing weight. I think it might be from all the running. I'm not really sure what to do, but right now I'm just trying to focus on being healthy, and not beating myself up for not being a size 6(or having a perfectly flat stomach or whatever. Insert practically unattainable goal here.) I really don't eat a lot of crap, do cardio for at least and hour a day (usually more) and lift weights at least 2x a week. I really am not sure what else I can do. Like really. Ga body you are frustrating!!!!!

Well I'm off to do some errands to, workout and study some biopharmaceutics  before my 8'oclock meeting. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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