Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st 5K!

Sorry it's been so long folks! It's been a busy busy week!

Talked to my ex last week. He wants to get back together. Do NOT know what to do. I love him, but I know that it's not what God wants right now. I Will continue to pray about it.

Also, I ran my first 5K this Saturday. I ran it in 28:41! wahoo! I was 6th in my age division! I was pumped. I think I'm hooked on running!

Also, I'm thinking about applying for the RA job in my dorm. I'm just not sure if I can next semester. With pharmacy school, I'm just not sure if I could do it all. Please be praying about this too!

I'm off to go to bed. Early, FULL day tomorrow. I'll be better about posting soon! Promise!


Seth said...

Congrats on the Race! awesome time!

Keep pushing forward.

Syl said...

28:41 is an amazing time for your first 5k - great work!