Thursday, August 26, 2010


So my college's first football game is TONIGHT! let's hear it for school spirit! I go to a small school ( like 5000 students on campus) so it won't be super crazy, but I think it will be fun! I'm excited!

So there is a lot that has happened in my life since I wrote like MONTHS ago... I got a job as an RA at school and I absolutely love it! I love being able to focus on other people and other's problems. It's not that I don't deal with mine, I just don't like to dwell on my problems! And this is a great outlet because I can't this way! I have too much going on with everyone else! I really feel like it's helping me to better channel my body image issues, because I just don't focus on it. I focus my energy on building others up. And surprisingly, I'm much happier. And still the same (maybe even a little bigger..gasp!) weight. Funny how that works..happiness is NOT actually the number on my scale but dependent on others. Great lesson I've learned!

OK off work and off to the game! Go Dawgs!

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