Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well....At least that's over!

Just took my second test for the week. Prescription Products. Yes again. I have a test over 50+ drugs every other week in that class. I have ever mentioned that I absolutely, positively LOATH it?!

Cause I do.

And since I was studying so much Tuesday, Wednesday, and this morning, (and perhaps because occasionally ;) , I tend to procrastinate studying for prescription products. It is not my fault I find more enjoyable things to do. Like watch tv. or read blogs. or poke myself in the eye. yes it is that bad) my body is running on caffeine today. 3 cups of coffee, and one diet mountain dew.
that's (108 mg x 3 cups) + 92mg =415 mg of caffeine today my friends. I'm fairly sure the palpitations will commence shortly.

In other news, my birthday is in less than 2 weeks. People I love (ie parents, boyfriend, friends) have been asking me what I want. The truth is, I always feel so selfish when they ask! I mean yes there are things I WANT ( a new car, a million dollars, my own apt, a trip to Europe,other spectacular, WAAAAYYY to expensive things) but I don't NEED anything. So I always feel real selfish. Do any of you feel this way?

Also, I decided one good present might be a heart rate monitor. Anybody have any suggestions for good ones? I'm looking for one that's less than $60, and count's calories. I'm thinking a basic one might be good because I have a tendency to want really cool things, but then get bored with them/forget to use them/don't put the time into LEARNING how to use them, so I don't want anyone to blow a lot of money on it until I KNOW I'll use it. Any suggestions would be welcome :)

On another positive note, I've been much better and relaxed around food. In the past, I've had trouble eating. I can't really describe my mindset, but it was as if I felt "guilty" if I ate before I worked out for the day, or things like that. I've been alot better this week about eating because I know I need to fuel my body. Still trying to get healthier foods (which granted, can be slightly more challenging in a dorm room, with no access to a stove etc) because I KNOW I'll feel better with them fueling me! Anyone else have this problem with eating?I know it still gets me sometimes!

Ok, well I'm off to clean my room before I head to bible study tonight and home tomorrow! Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! May God Bless you and keep you! He will. He's good at that :)

UPDATE: Made an 88 on the test. Gosh I loath falling JUST BELOW that "A" line. Literally, that was ONE question....grrrrr

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