Friday, January 22, 2010

Aren't Fridays supposed to be relaxing?

So you know how everyone says Fridays are supposed to be awesome wahoo, beginning of the weekend, etc? I don't believe all the hype.

1. I have lab on Friday afternoons for Pharm Care. They last til 4 or so. Class on a Friday Afternoon is jsut no bueno
2. I get a call from work. The person who was supposed to work the 4-midnight shift has called in. Can I please cover it? Did I mention I work from 4-midnight tomorrow night as well?
3. To get to work, I must rush out of class, pack my stuff up and leave. But I'm still going to go workout before. I'm training for the Memorial Half-Marathon (April25th) but I really REALLY do not want to run today. I tossed and turned in bed last night and I know it won't be a good run. I ran 8 miles last Friday, so maybe I'll just elliptical and run like 3 today? I'm not sure yet.

Also for me, Friday just begins me having to go to work. poo.

Ok now here's how these are all positive things
1. I'm in pharmacy school. I will have a great career. I just have to get through it. Also I'm privileged to even get this far. And to be given this opportunity

2. Extra Money- I NEED a new car ( or will by the end of the semester. 92' Lexus with 211000+ miles is not going to last that much longer....) I will get there I hour of work at a time.

3. I'm in good healthy condition. I can run. Or maybe I'll take the day off. I've done 4 days this week, burning 800+ calories each time. One day off will not hurt me. It could be beneficial

Also on a positive note, I ate both breakfast and lunch today. I had oatmeal with peanut butter for both. hey I know not much variety, but I'm in my dorm room. Options tend to be kinda limited. Each meal consisted of 1/4 or 1/2 cup of oatmeal ( breakfast, lunch) 2 tbsp of sugar free syrup, and 1 Tbsp of natural peanut butter. I might have some milk too, that may round it out a bit more :)

Well I'm off to my busy Friday and weekend of work. Hope your weekend is more relaxing than mine!

PS- question. On average, how many calories do you eat each day? How many to you burn through exercise? I'm trying to get a good balance so I'm just wondering what others who are succeeding are doing! ( I eat about 1000-1200 calories a day and burn at least 800. I know these numbers seem low/high, but I can't seem to keep weight off if I eat more or burn less. Frustrating!)

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