Thursday, January 28, 2010


blah... today i had to get up early to sign up for an enrollment spot my boyfriend and I had a two hour fight...I'm pretty sure we broke up like twice.'s icy outside...causing everything to shut down

blah...including the gym... I only burned 700 calories today...

blah..with all this stress, I didn't eat ALL DAY. Until 5 when I got back to my dorm. Then I ate a salad and some chocolate cheerios. I had trouble eating. I just didn't want to... :(

I'm exhausted. I feel like I did nothing productive today. I need to study, I have two texts next week, but I just have no desire to anymore. I'm burned out. I don't wanna do it anymore ( at least right now)

positive- No school tomorrow because of the snow/ice. Score
-this means I can study.. yes. although the gym will be closed. Suck. And no workout dvds. I've burned 900, 950, 1000, and 700 calories this week. And did weights. I hope I'm ok. I hate that my body keeps gaining weight. I don't know why. I eat more I eat less. I workout more, I workout less. Nothing works.

As you see, it's been a blah day. Tomorrow will be better. It will be.

1 comment:

Syl said...

boy are you going to be sorry that you enabled your comments :-) now I won't shut up :-)

You are in my favorites and I will be visiting you.
Thanks for commenting and I wish you great success on your journey and am excited to follow it!
have a great weekend!