Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A New Semester...A new Attiftude?

So far this semester seems to not be as stressful as last semester. Maybe it's because I've learned how to deal. Maybe it will turn into much harder. Maybe in a few weeks I will want to eat my words. But right now, I'm doing ok....

So didn't sleep well last night. That tends to make the whole day more difficult. It was just so hot in my dorm and I tossed and turned until 3:30AM ish...and then got up at 8 to go run 4 miles. Maybe not the best idea. It was a difficult run. I didn't want to do it. Probably because my body was running on so little sleep. But got through it, felt a little better. Went back and got cleaned up, did my devo, had some coffee. Now enter....CLASS..dun dun dun...it was biopharmaceutics, which is less than enjoyable. Pharmaceutics + Biochem= a hellish class... ugh

Finally got some food in me! some oatmeal with sugar free syrup and peanut butter...SOOOoooOOOoOOO good.. (yes it's that good.Try it. now.)

Then Prescription products. We have a test in the Thursday. And I'm SO not ready. gosh.

Well off to study and do research for the independant study project I'm doing.

If you are reading this leave me a comment. Let me know about your day! How does not sleeping effect your day?

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