Monday, January 25, 2010

Hunger.. I know what that is.

Today, I learned what hungry is. I had class from 10-12:20 and then grabbed a quick lunch of oatmeal with peanut butter (which was exactly what I had for breakfast. I'm not so exciting, I know) and then went to lab until from 12:45-4:40. It was a long day. One good thing that came out of it is that I was reminded what being truly hungry felt like. Considering I'd only had 2 bowls of oatmeal, each with a Tbsp of peanut butter and 2 cups of coffee until 4:45, I was pretty hungry by the time I got back to my room! So I had a few pretzels and some kashi go lean. I figured a few carbs and protein would be good, since I'm about to go run.

I've been slacking off on training for the marathon lately. I just didn't want to run on Friday, so I just ellipticalled instead. Then on Saturday, I was going to go to the gym and run, but opted for and outside run instead. I ran about 3ish miles in my neighborhood. It was nice.
but I will stop making excuses! If I want to complete the half-marathon, I need to train. So train I will! when I finish this post of course!

Do you ever just get in that mood? That I don't want to work out or do anything mood? Any suggestions on how to overcome that? I'm usually a pretty good self "pusher" if you will, but lately I just want to sleep and eat. no studying. no working. no working out. just sleep. eat. maybe read and watch tv. I'm convinced it comes from years of pushing my self and being a perfectionist. I've reached my burn out point. So if any of you have any suggestions on how to pull myself up, please they are more than welcome!

Off to run! Have a good Monday evening!

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